Valkyrie Tattoo Meaning, Design & Ideas

Some people see the Valkyrie tattoo as one of the best warrior tattoos that you can get, and it also happens to be one of the top tattoos to get for people who are into Norse mythology. There are quite a few different types of Valkyrie tattoos too choose from if you’re interested in getting one and even more meanings that you can use with these designs.

On this page we will give you some info on Valkyrie tattoo designs and meanings so you can know if this is a good tattoo idea for you.

A Valkyrie, also known as the “chooser of the slain,” is kind of like the god of a specific battle or war because she is known for deciding who lives and who dies. In old etchings and paintings, she was often seen soaring above the battlefield on her horse looking for places to strike. This is why many of these designs have that epic look to them that modern tattoo artists can pull off in a very cool way on the skin.

Easily the most common reason why people decide to get their Valkyrie tattoos is because they want to show that they have a warrior’s mentality. It could also mean that they want to be stronger mentally or physically and they want to use the tattoo as a source of inspiration. What’s great about these meanings is that you really don’t have to do anything special with your Valkyrie to use them since she looks like and is a very tough warrior.

Another very common meaning attached to Valkyrie tattoos is honor. If honor and integrity are two of the most important things that you look for from yourself and others, then you might just be a great candidate for one of these tattoos. This also means that the Valkyrie is an excellent choice for people in the military since these are two of the key traits that the military looks for from its soldiers.

You can also get a Valkyrie tattoo if you are getting a memorial tattoo for someone important in your life. This is another form of “honor” that works just as well as the version mentioned above. The Valkyrie can be one part of a multi-art memorial tattoo, or it could even be the focal point. This is a really good idea for a memorial design for someone who was into Norse mythology.

The Valkyrie tattoo can also be seen as a feminism tattoo since it does show a woman or women riding into battle, which is definitely uncommon in tattoos. It’s definitely not a commonly seen feminism tattoo, but that might be a good thing for anyone that wants an original tattoo design. You can also combine it with other feminism tattoos, such as the Venus symbol, to make the meaning clearer to people who are seeing it for the first time.

Another reason why someone might decide to get a Valkyrie tattoo is because they are very into Norse mythology, and they want to get some very nice ink to show off that interest. Even if you are getting the tattoo for this reason, you can still use any of the other meanings mentioned on this page if they end up making sense for you.

If you are thinking about getting a Valkyrie tattoo, you will be happy to learn that you have many design options that you can choose from. The most common Valkyrie tattoo design is to get the head of a Valkyrie with the classic winged helmet and perhaps other armor.

Those who want to get a larger Valkyrie tattoo will often get a full-bodied Valkyrie riding a beautifully armored horse. It really comes down to how much space you want to full of ink and what type of design you want to get. You might think that your design works well as a smaller tattoo only to learn later that it actually is a great large back tattoo idea.

If you are interested in all Norse mythology and want to get a larger design, you could always include other gods or Norse symbols in your Valkyrie tattoo to add in even more meanings. This is a great idea, but it is also a tough challenge to come up with a design that combines all of these elements into a complete picture on your skin. If you are not artistically inclined, you can hire an outside artist to help you out along the way.

The only people who might not want to get a Valkyrie tattoo are those who are looking for a smaller, minimalist design. Valkyrie tattoos are often quite large to show off the details in her face and armor, so they usually don’t work as smaller designs.

The Valkyrie tattoo is not the type of tattoo that you want to go to an amateur with. You should definitely do your research on all of your local shops and find an artist who is known for doing great work on more complicated pieces.

This used to be a tough mission, but these days all you have to do is spend an hour or so on the internet looking at what other folks have said about local artists. After you have come up with a few that you like, go into their shops and see if they have done any past work that might give you an idea of what your Valkyrie tattoo might end up looking like.

As you can see, there is a lot to like about the Valkyrie tattoo, which is why it happens to be one of the top tattoos to get for people who are into Norse mythology. We highly recommend looking into these tattoos if you do happen to love these mythological gods or if you found that one or more of the meanings listed above make sense for you. Remember to find a really good artist in your area to do the inking for you if you do end up deciding to get a Valkyrie tattoo.

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